Independently from the official report that Sweden’s government writes on how Sweden implements the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women the Swedish women’s movement writes its own report to show our perspective on how the situation really is for women. The shadow report gives an overview of the shortcomings of Sweden to ensure the implementation of the convention and it pinpoints the actions needed to secure equality. The goal of the shadow report is to push politicians and decision makers to implement the changes needed to ensure an implementation of CEDAW.
The CEDAW-network was created 1998. The network is organized by the Swedish Women’s Lobby and consists of about twenty organizations that work together to compile the shadow reports in order to examine how Sweden lives up to the ratification of the convention.
Read more about the shadow report and download the shadow reports here or order them at
In March 2020 Sweden is expected to hand over the tenth country report to the CEDAW – committee. Sweden has received multiple questions (CEDAW-list of issues) from the CEDAW committee that are expected to be answered. The CEDAW-network has already started the work on the shadow report.
In January 2016 the latest shadow report was handed over to the minister for gender equality, Åsa Regnér, at the gender equality days in Malmö. The shadow report was also sent to The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women before the hearing of Sweden in Genève that was held in February 2016. You can watch the hearing here. The Swedish Women’s Lobby and the CEDAW-network attended the hearing in order to present our demands for change. In March 2016 the CEDAW-committee came forward with their recommendations for Sweden. These are expected to be implemented by 2020. Some measures are considered urgent by the committee. The government is expected to already 2018 report what they have done to strengthen women’s rights in migration politics and to stop men’s violence against women. To help the government to implement the UN:s recommendations The Swedish Women’s Lobby has compiled a To Do list with 36 actions for women’s rights.
The Shadow report in Swedish / The Shadow report in English/ The Shadow report in legible Swedish
The shadow report in Braille can be ordered via
More information
UN women’s hearing of Sweden 2016 in Genève
The governments 8th and 9th report about the implementation of CEDAW in Sweden
The CEDAW committees recommendations to Sweden in Swedish
The CEDAW committees recommendations to Sweden in English