Den 2 juni arrangerar Unizon ett webbinarium om kvinnor i prostitution, vilket stöd som ges inom ramarna för den Nordiska modellen, och vilka myter som finns kring vår sexköpslagstiftning och hur den påverkar kvinnor i prostitution. Webbinaret hålls på engelska.
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Welcome to the webinar: Supporting women in prostitution within the framework of the Nordic model: Breaking myths and examples of practical work in Sweden.
Quite often when talking about the Nordic Model the main focus of the discussion is put on the criminalisation of the buyer/perpetrator. Help and support provided to exploited women is less discussed, and there are multiple myths about the legislation’s impact on women in the prostitution and pornography industry.
Welcome to a webinar where Unizon’s member organisations will share their experiences of practical work with exploited women and girls within the existing legal framework and discuss how the Swedish sex purchase act sets out an essential foundation for strengthening the survivors by putting the responsibility for the crime where it belongs – on the buyer. They will also talk about how all these experiences and knowledges can be used for the work with violence prevention.
Zandra Kanakaris – Secretary General,
1000 möjligheter, Foundation 1000 Opportunities, that runs the Ellencenter (Sweden)
Ulrika Persson – Founder & Chairwoman, Alltid Sedd (Sweden)
Kajsa Rietz – Head of Preventive Work, Novahuset (Sweden)
Cornelia Björkquist – Sexual Exploitation & Sexual Crime Expert, Unizon (Sweden)